Behaviour and safety

Behaviour and safety at the Courtyard

The Courtyard has an ethos of creating a community for learning, as set out in the school’s Behaviour Policy.

Individuals with ASD and/or SLCN can behave in ways that hinder their access to opportunities, restrict their social inclusion and adversely affect their education and quality of life. The Courtyard School recognises its role in teaching our pupils to behave appropriately in a social setting, which will help to prepare them for adult life.

We encourage good behavioural standards and social inclusion through a personalised behaviour programme that is set out in a clear code of conduct. We use a combination of routine, consistency, positive reinforcement, rewards and sanctions in a calm setting to prepare pupils for responsibilities of adult life.

Our pupil cohort is divided into Keyworker groups, which meet four times a week. This provides the opportunity for all pupils to connect more closely with a specific member of staff, whilst at the same time develop relationships with a supportive group of pupils

During this Keyworker time, pupils discuss a range of personal and social questions or dilemmas, set out by the Votes for Schools Programme. This programme encourages debate and Pupil Voice and is a key feature of the school's PHSE curriculum.

The Pastoral Team are:

Deputy Head (SEN/Safeguarding Lead): Louise Norman
Head of Pastoral: Alison Rush
Keyworker: Valerie Aubine
Keyworker: Wayne Eardley
Keyworker: Nicole Coburn
Keyworker: Kieran Morgan
Keyworker: Gregg Lopez
Keyworker: Adri Kelly
Keyworker: Nazmin Nahar
Keyworker: Joseph Walters

Keyworker: Joe Lawn

The Pastoral Team can be contacted using the main school number: 0203 859 6350

St Mary Magdalene Church Gardens
Holloway Road
N7 8LT

Tel: 0203 859 6350

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