3 x 1 hour careers sessions for Year 11 students




The Courtyard will be addressing Benchmark 8 (Personal guidance) by offering 3 x 1 hour careers sessions with SCOPE to 10x Year 11 students to start off with as part of our careers programme/ Personal Development Curriculum. 

Ten Y11 students will have up to 3 sessions with an adviser. In these sessions the adviser will speak to our young people about their career options, plans and how to reach these. Students will create an action plan which outlines the steps they can take to reach their career goals.

* Identifying their skills
* Thinking about what next – college, university, work, apprenticeship
* Researching different courses
* Using Xello, our career tool to explore different roles and identify those roles that match their skills and interests
* Talking about any support or adjustments they may need in work or in further education



10th January and 21st February – will be first sessions
23rd February and 18th April – will be second sessions
20th April and 25th April – will be final sessions


St Mary Magdalene Church Gardens
Holloway Road
N7 8LT

Tel: 0203 859 6350
Email: firstcontact@smmathecourtyard.org

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